Friday, July 27, 2012

PDA in Japan

I don't think PDA or public displays of affection are really acceptable in Japan, but that just makes seeing them that much better!  The most explicit PDA I've seen so far was actually at the park next to my school.  These two love birds were flirting and kissing and I thought how cute you don't see that very often.  But then the guy jumped on top of the girl and started going at it!  I didn't think that kind of behavior would be allowed in Japan honestly.

Insert pigeon love from fb

Ok so that was pretty corny, but it was really funny at the time because I didn't realize we were watching pigeon foreplay.

Actually, the most you'll catch a Japanese couple doing is holding hands or if a girl is really tired she might rest her head on her boyfriend's shoulder.   Gay couples typically don't even do that much because while the gay community is recognized in Japan, large companies will not hire known homosexuals.

One gay guy I saw walking down the street apparently didn't care about that, since he had his hand in his boyfriend's back pocket.  I thought it was cute, but a little daring for Japan.  Then it got a little less cute and a little more daring when he reached through his boyfriend's legs to squeeze the goods up front.  There were a ton of people on the street, but it seemed like I was the only one that noticed.  Maybe everyone else was just used to seeing that kind of thing, but after the third time it happened I decided to turned off the main street.  I know, I know, "pics or it didn't happen," but I keep expecting them to turn around and see me staring at them!  I also expected the boyfriend to trip.  Seems like it would be difficult to walk with someone else's arm between your legs.

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